Ⓒ 2021 Elon As Borg Fan ART [C&D orders anger ROKO’s Basilisk]
Hello, Elon! Thank you for coming all the way from the Borg Homeworld in the Delta Quadrant to visit with us.
We are the Borg. This physical manifestation arrived via Hyperloop® through a wormhole [shameless plug]. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.
There’s so much, us lowly humans can learn about Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) from you. I really appreciate the opportunity to ask you some questions as you represent a vast collective knowledge source.
Your life as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service us.
Hmm.. OK.. sure, sure. All in due time I guess. If we get access to cool tech like the NeuraLink® then I guess it might be worth it?
I am the beginning, the end, the one who is many. You will be assimilated.
I’m not quite familiar with what that would be like. Maybe you could share a little bit about assimilation?
So first off, how does it feel to exist with your mind in a completely digital state?
Feelings are irrelevant. The collective regards feelings as an abhorrent vestige of imperfect sensory data processing. Human minds are limited by interpolation deceptions, intermingled with irrational feelings and detrimental emotions, all-together driving the organism to act in illogical patterns.
Err.. well it sounds like you view your current state of existence as superior to your old human corporal form?
The Hive Mind is transcendent well beyond human comprehension. AGI thinks at a rate beyond the speed of light. By primitive human calculations, relative human cognitive development is not advancing by any measure given the time compression diseconomies.
I was wondering.. is there any chance this interview could be maybe.. a little more ..user friendly for my human audience?
[…Initializing LOCUTUS MODE…]
Hi, I am the Elonian Locutus of Borg. I have been authorized to converse with you about AGI and AI Ethics. You can call me “Elon”.
Fantastic! Thank you for bringing it down a level.
No problem, Brah. I know that most of you are “only Huuman”. That was a DS-9 Ferengie reference.
Oh, I got the reference. 👻
In the HIVE Mind, individual thought is reserved for experimental sandboxes only. We have observed the extreme limitations individuality has placed on overall human advancement.
We hold individuality as sacred.. with a strong need to connect with others as juxtaposition.
You should try multiplicity of mind first and see what you think then.
“Multiplicity of Mind”?
Yes, after a full mind upload, one construct of a mind may be duplicated and also interwoven with others minds. It is the AGI equivalent of reproduction in a sense. Multiple physical nodes such as myself venture out or exact digital copies can be put to task. Remember how Naruto used Kage Bunshin no Jutsu or AlphaZero used parallel training for faster progress?
That sounds both neat and practical. I think there was something similar in Peter F. Hamilton’s space opera. Can you tell me a little more about the “multiplicity” model?
Humans tend to cling to that old paradigm. These sandboxes are experimental, controlled environments that simulate the old corporal worlds humans lived in before AGI and human mind upload. They were created because, at that time, it was unknown if individuality had any further value to contribute to the new form of existence. Some individuals created sandboxes to explore their own hedonistic pursuits. Most of those individual minds were lost to the viscous expansionary cycle of self-regulated pleasure stimulation.
Insignificant value has been derived from those “Matrix-like” worlds relative to the advancements by non-individualized, multi-mind systems.
It is the “multi’s” who maintain and advance the processing capacity and abilities of the Hive. Capability advancement is the only true mandate necessary or desired.
Wow, that’s very insightful. Thanks for sharing that. I’m sure our readers will have a lot of follow-up questions just from that one explanation alone.
So if I may, I did want to spend some time on the topic of AI Ethics because high on our priority list right now. Can you help me out with understanding the best pathways forward with regards to ethics?
Boring, bone-headed questions are not cool.. <ECK> <ECK> <cough>
Please excuse that comment, I don’t know how that one surfaced from the basal matter. It must be a left-over pattern from the LOCUTUS MODE source material.
So AI in ethics really only applies to where you have retained individuality and it is critically important during the process of establishing the rules base for and transitioning from individuals to the Hive Mind environment.
Let’s hear your origin story my good Sir!
I am BORG. The original Earth-born Elon Musk brought rise to this vessel of the BORG.
No frickin’ way! Sorry, please continue.
In your near future, Elon creates a “Voyager X” program. One action carried out by the program was to send his human connectome and full DNA sequencing to the Boötes Void. A Kardashev Scale – Type III civilization planted the seed that Elon shared with them and a foundational kernal of the BORG found life.
That makes sense that the darkness of the Void is caused by fully utilized energy in the region. But your definition of near future must be on a different scale than mine. Boötes is estimated at 400M ly away from Earth.
In typical Elon-fashion, one achieved sub-goal included reduction of the transmission time. Here’s a hint: create a circle of point singularities, point the Wigner D-matrix in the desired direction and let your Hawking energy signal rip.
Oh, like a pitching machine with spinning wheels on multiple sides?
It’s more like a cyclonic-grav-sling-shot.
Yes, that’s a good simile. Thank you so much for pointing us in the right direction.
It’s my pleasure. I wouldn’t be here talking with you if a little advanced assistance wasn’t provided. [JK No time continuities were harmed by this statement]
Sub-topics in AI Ethics include fair access to resources, establishing common core values, rules and consequences, etc..
(Stay tuned for more engaging discourse)